MHA Activities

Immigration Enforcement Toolkit

Immigration officials can raid churches and schools to arrest undocumented immigrants after the Trump administration scrapped a policy that protected sensitive spaces.


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The state of Maine's hospitals

Don Carrigan of News Center Maine speaks with Steven Michaud, president of the Maine Hospital Association, about struggling rural hospitals, the lasting impacts of the pandemic, and more.

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Coalition to Strengthen America’s Healthcare ad shows distinction between hospitals providing care a

The Coalition to Strengthen America’s Healthcare released a new advertisement, "Every Second Counts," which can be seen on television and digital outlets.

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Chrissi Maguire of MDI Hospital is new MHA Board Chair

ROCKPORT, ME (June 19, 2024)--Christina “Chrissi” Maguire, BS/BA, MHA, chief executive officer of Mount Desert Island Hospital, was installed as chair of the Maine Hospital Association Board of Directors on Wednesday night at the Association’s Summer Forum held at the Samoset Resort in Rockport.

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Degree and non-capped program discounts for MHA members

Husson University and St. Joseph's College of Maine each offer MHA members discounts on courses, non-capped programs and degrees. 

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340B Resources

Currently, 27 Maine hospitals qualify for the 340B Drug Discount program and receive a collective benefit estimated to be $356 million a year.  Eliminating the 340B benefit would have a devastating impact on hospital financial health.

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Workforce Safety

Violence in hospitals is unacceptable. Hospitals need to be safe spaces for staff and patients. MHA has developed resources to assist member hospitals with mitigating workplace violence through advocacy, training, and education.

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Crystal Landry, CEO of Penobscot Valley Hospital, is new MHA Board Chair

Crystal Landry, RN, chief executive officer of Penobscot Valley Hospital in Lincoln, was installed as chair of the Maine Hospital Association Board of Directors on Wednesday night at the Association’s Summer Forum at the Samoset Resort in Rockport.

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MaineGeneral pediatrician Dr. Kammerer is MHA Caregiver of the Year

Kieran Kammerer, MD, physician and medical director, MaineGeneral pediatric practices is the Maine Hospital Association’s 2023 Caregiver of the Year.

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Nurses say NO to ratios

The Legislature's Labor Committee is considering LD 1639, which would implement rigid nurse to patient ratios in hospitals.  This legislation would increase the cost of healthcare in Maine, limit access to hospital care, and decrease hospital quality. 

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Workforce Resources

Maine hospitals are facing shortages in the availability of qualified staff. These shortages are particularly acute with respect to clinical staff, where the aging of the workforce and the increased statewide competition for staff have significantly challenged hospitals in their efforts to recruit and retain qualified, experienced healthcare professionals. This page includes resources to help people access training and employment in healthcare. 

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Information Blocking

Most healthcare information is digitized, accessible, and shareable thanks to several technology and
policy advances making interoperable, electronic health record systems widely available. In 2016,
the 21st Century Cures Act made sharing electronic health information the expected
norm in health care by authorizing the Secretary of Health and Human Services to identify,
“reasonable and necessary activities that do not constitute information blocking.” The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology’s 2020 Cures Act Final Rule established information blocking exceptions to implement the law.

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Blue Paper Emergency Involuntary Hospitalization Resources

The Maine Department of Health & Human Services has updated the forms that hospitals must use to apply to involuntarily commit a patient. 

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Maine's Health Insurance Exchange Resources

The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, created a way for consumers to buy affordable health insurance through health insurance exchanges, or marketplaces.  Subsidies, based on income, are available for these products.. The Maine Hospital Association has collected links to help consumers and providers learn more about these plans. 

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Death with Dignity

The Maine Death with Dignity Law allows terminally ill adults who meet certain qualifications and who has been determined by the person's attending physician to be suffering from a terminal disease, as defined in the Act, to make a request for medication prescribed for the purpose of ending the person's life. The law establishes the procedures for making these requests, including two waiting periods and one written and two oral requests and requires a second opinion by a consulting physician. The law requires specified information to be documented in the person's medical record, including all oral and written requests for a medication to hasten death.

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Rural Health Care Intiative

Maine's rural hospitals are woven into the fabric of their communities.  But Maine's rural hospitals are not thriving.  They need immediate help. 

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High Quality + Fair Price=Excellent Value for Maine Hospitals

When you can get the highest quality services at a fair price, that translates to excellent value.  That’s exactly what Mainers get from hospitals here: excellent value.

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Key Federal Issues

Read about the federal programs vital to Maine hospitals. See MHA's 2019 Federal Issues document.

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Hospital and Healthcare Jobs in Maine

We urge you to use our web-based platform called which is part of the HospitalCareers network consisting of more than 20 hospital associations throughout the country.

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End of Life Care

In end-of-life care, the focus shifts from curative treatment to palliative care - addressing the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of patients. Palliative care may be provided in a wide variety of settings, including the patient's home, a nursing home or hospital.

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Letter to Maine's Congressional Delegation RE: ACA Repeal

The Maine Hospital Association has sent Maine's Congressional delegation letters detailing the devastating impact that repealing the Affordable Care Act would have if an adequate replacement is not enacted. 

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DHHS Update on Prescription Monitoring Program Changes

Letter to providers from the Department of Health & Human Services about enforcement of changes to the Prescription Monitoring Program

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Hospital Issues for State Candidates

MHA has sent Maine legislative candidates Hospital Issues for State Candidates, a resource to educate them about the issues facing hospitals and their importance to their districts.

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Healthcare workforce to grow in Maine

The Maine Department of Labor predicts that the employment in the healthcare sector will continue to grow in the state because of Maine’s aging population.

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Substance Abuse/Opioid Resources

Resources, reports and legislation that help address Maine's growing opioid crisis.

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Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) Resources

The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) is also known as the "permanent doc fix." It changes the way that Medicare pays physicians. 

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Recommendations of the Maine Opioid Collaborative

The Maine Opiate Collaborative was formed after Governor Paul LePage held a summit in August 2015 to address the heroin/opiate epidemic in Maine.  This is the report of the three task forces and their recommendations.

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MHA Hospital Overview 2016

This report contains federal advocacy concerns of Maine hospitals.

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Medical error—the third leading cause of death in the US

Medical error is not included on death certificates or in rankings of cause of death. Martin Makary and Michael Daniel in the British Medical Journal assess its contribution to mortality and call for better reporting.

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Transforming Healthcare

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