Strategies to Measure and Improve Emergency Department Performance Webinar

Date: 5/21/2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

In the post-pandemic world, the health care system remains at or over capacity, leaving many organizations struggling with how to meet patient demand. The system is plagued by many issues, including an aging population, exacerbation of acute health conditions, lack of access to primary care providers and urgent care, and staffing issues like shortages, turnover, and burnout.
Additionally, the emergency department (ED) is an open door for those in need of health care, and overcrowding has become the norm. Overcrowding in the ED creates additional risks for a health care organization, including lack of quality and safe care, regulatory violations, patient dissatisfaction, low staff engagement, physician dissatisfaction, and more. This webinar will share how to overcome these obstacles and more.

"To learn more about this webinar or to register please click HERE."